Delicious is good

You’ve probably heard the news by now but if not, has been acquired by Yahoo. If you don’t know what is, is a social bookmarking, social software web service for storing and sharing web bookmarks. If you don’t quite get it, read What’s so cool about delicious. Here is a great article from Slacker Manager (great tag line: paving the path of least resistance so you don’t trip and fall) that explains how to get the most out of delicious.

One cool thing is you can find kindred. For example, people who have tagged my blog may have interesting links themselves. Once you tag something, you can click to see who else has tagged it. Clicking any of these links will take you to their pages so you can see what else they’ve tagged that may interest you. For example, “robbie” who was the first to tag my site has bookmarked lots of coding sites. Of course I’d consider using Robbie’s links if I ever had coding questions because she/he was smart enough to tag my site :) so her/his coding links are probably just as useful. Rratstarr who’s tagged me has links of interest such as Tassenmuseum Hendrikje/Museum of Bags & Purses and the Julian and Sophie school of pattern cutting which I found particularly interesting because it’s experimental pattern drafting (see this page for a sample and this is definitely a pattern puzzle!) I never would have known about these pages if I hadn’t seen Rratstarr’s links.

If you like someone else’s links, it’s easy enough to add their links to your own bookmarks. Let’s say you find someone who’s got a veritable repository of choice links and don’t want to miss any of them, you can link to their links directly. Similarly, accessing my bookmarks will give you the lowdown on anyone I’m tracking. Delicious can become a big use of your time so be sure to login only after you’ve done doing your necessaries. I’ve only recently picked up the habit so my page doesn’t have my entire database of links but I’m working on it.

Getting an account is free but be sure to read the Slacker Manager article (from the first paragraph) to learn the process because the delicious site help borders on the enigmatic. If you have a account, consider leaving your link under comments.

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  1. Jess Latham says:

    I’ve never heard of delicious but it sounds like something I’d really like, thanks for the link! when I get mine set up I’ll leave a link here.

  2. Sally Beers says:

    In case there is anyone looking for Hawaiian prints, I found a good source. Stumbled on a store with screaming colors and prints attended by super relaxed sales people. This store was in Kona, Hawaii’s big island but there are 2 more stores, one on Maui and another in Kauai. Their website has some stuff.

  3. Eric H says:


    I have a friend who lives in Hawaii. His mother still makes him a complete set of “aloha” shirts every year (he’s about 50, so she’s about 70?). She gets her material from … ready? … someplace in Pennsylvania! Go figure.

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